
Comments (44)

What do you think?

why is the game named after a part of the eye? Astigmatism


wowe, guess I found another madman who made non-rpg game on rpg maker mv, wish you goodluck on developing such tough project.

Hey @LUKELCS can i if you wan't help work on the game with you maybe make a story if there's not one of make some poster's if thats okay?

Game Soundtrack

1 song

What's in the basement?

Astigmatism is a common eye problem that can make your vision blurry or distorted. It happens when your lens has a different shape than normal.

You aren't normal.


Regarding the game being on-hold.

If I take the time to think about Hind Sight, I still really like a lot of the ideas I had for these games, and I think they'd be a lot of fun both to make, and to play.

However, there are other projects I am incredibly passionate about, and Hind Sight just isn't it. Hasn't been for a while.

I'm not outright cancelling the game, but don't be too surprised if I just kinda never come back to it and it gets lost to time.

Still, you can check out the first and second game on this game page here. I hope you enjoy them, and check out my other games while you're at it. There's one imparticular I'm working on that's certainly gonna have some disturbing elements, even it isn't first and foremost your typical horror game.

#fnaf #horror #analog #retro #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
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