
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Amazing how much detail you put into such small tiles.
I really liked this game, thumbs up!
But it took quite some time to finish it, a save feature would be very handy.

Kelin has a job to deliver a package to her client. However, rain comes and Kelin has to stay in an unused old house because the path to cave is blocked. She is also hungry. Help Kelin find food and something to rid the cave block in the old house with adventure gameplay mechanic!

How to Play

Examine front, obtain item, use item on front, or combine item.

  • Arrow: To move to certain direction

  • Z: Examine, Action

  • X: Inventory, Cancel

  • Enter: Pause menu

Tags: #adventure #trophy #achievement #PICO8 #pixelart

Note: The trophies can only be earned in HTML5 version due of some limitation of desktop build. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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