Comments (236)
Rated Mature for floppy tittehs and stupid jokes.
My kind of game.
Holy cow, games are getting more and more realistic I tell you. This is a prime example. This game right here is not only a master piece, but it's hyper realistic.
I give this a senpai out of pantsu.
this is art.
Every second of the 20-ish minutes I played of this, I was all like "wut" and "no stop this is too much animu"
This is not a bad thing o-o
Kokoro no Doki Doki Senpai??
This is what you should download if you want to waste an hour or two of your life that you'll never get back.
WARNING: This game is NSFW and for those 18+
Kokoro is your ultimate dating sim experience. You will never need to simulate a relationship again after witnessing this atrocity! With FIVE unique endings and a cast of lovable characters (lol haha), you’ll be coming back to this gem again and again. Or at least five times, you know, so you can get all the different endings.
Don’t take our word for it! These are real reactions by real people:
“Dude.” - professional Canadian artist Leslie Jonson
"The greatest love story ever told." - YouTube video slave ManlyBadassHero
"I have played some weird games but this one takes the cake and poops all over that cake while eating some pizza!" - Actual European MyKeyPlayz
"The Sharknado of Visual Novels." - Actual Horse NeroBron
"I feel like a bunch of weeaboos got stoned and made this game." - Internet Chicken chknfoot TV
"This is why I don't play dating simulators." - Pureblooded American Tiger vs Games
"What's a pooter?" - Confused youtube commenter TheSilverGuy
Click here for controls and credits
Mokuyoubi pixel art by Ezequiel Nieto
Cartoon Violence
Drug Reference
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor