
Comments (7)

What do you think?

I tried to do a playthrough of this, but came across a few problems, starting with having issues when Henry turned human again.

I really enjoyed this! It was made in RPG Maker right? I enjoyed the amount of effort that was put into this game. for e.g. when Alexia has to speak with the king, instead of doing that straight away i was able to explore the town. I Bought everything from the weapons shop as i found 100 coins in someones house! This was awesome and as a big Zelda fan this was right up my street, Great job!

Was this Made In Unity


I saw the sequel, HYPE HYPE HYEPEEE


If you have any issues or bugs with the game, feel free to pm me or contact by email.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use
Comical Shenanigans

Its been a year but i've finally updated it. Please let me know any issues or suggestions.

Game Release

I am happy to announce that the game has now been released. Now you can play the full game. It took a long time to finish this game. Updates will come sometimes. Look out for new features in the upcoming updates.


The game isnโ€™t finished yet because it still needs to be revamped. It would be nice if you could test to find some errors and let me know. Next update coming soon.


I am having a contest for my game. The prize is being a closed beta tester. There are only 5 spots i am going to give. To enter the contest you must answer this riddle โ€œI have 4 legs, 3 arms, 2 heads and a basketball what am i?โ€
Good Luck!

Beta Testers

I need beta testers so i can get feedback before release a public beta. Betas will happen until i make a demo. After the demo the full game will be release and it will take me some time. See you in my next devlog.