
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Hello! I don't know if you speak English, but I played this game for my YouTube! It's the 3rd game, here it is:

Some criticism - I like the game, but there are a few things you could improve on. One of them being; This game is really slow. It takes a long time to find each pizza and even longer to even attempt to find every single one. Of course, I don't speak Russian, so I didn't really know what I was supposed to be doing, so maybe this is how you wanted the game to be. Anyway, great game, keep it up, and have a lovely day! :D

Jesteś pracownikiem kawiarenki. Zeszłej nocy pewien stały klient (kryptonim lebul) zabrał całe zapasy pizzerinek na najblizszy miesiac sprzedaży. Udało nam się zlokalizować część z nich.

Musisz wkraść się do jego domu pod osłoną nocy i odzyskać lub zjeść tyle towaru, ile dasz radę. #horror


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