Comments (9)
Great graphics, fun game! I included it in part 26 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/jrv7vlDEzrw

Oh man, I had a great time with this! The way the screen appears to sway and move is so much fun! A bit challenging at the places where you have to switch from lane 1 to 4 and back repeatedly. I like how you get glimpses of what's about to come and so have to remember it to play better.
Cool concept! :) I really like it! :)
I really want to play this! Will there be multiplatform or web support? I saw some videos you put on twitter this thing looks smooth. Check mine out here http://gamejolt.com/games/armechgeddon/80346
Leisurely Sunday Drive IV - The Reckoning
A leisurely drive in the desert goes horribly wrong. #indiesvsgamers
Use the arrow keys to control your vehicle. Press 'w' while in the title screen to change to windowed mode. Press enter to play again and ESC to quit.
How to enable Gamejolt Leaderboards
If you'd like your scores to be submitted to the Gamejolt leaderboard then create a file called gjapi-credentials.txt in the game's directory (i.e. the same directory as game.exe). Edit this file so it contains your Gamejolt user name on the first line and your game token on the second line (you can find out your game token by clicking on the "Game Token" link in the bottom left hand corner of the Gamejolt page while logged in). For example if your username is user123 and your token is abc123 then the file gjapi-credentials.txt should contain the following two lines:
Save this file and launch the game (double click game.exe). Your scores should then be submitted to the Gamejolt leaderboard.
The file gjapi-credentials.txt should also automatically be created if you run the game with Gamejolt's quickplay feature, though I wasn't able to test that.