
Comments (5)

What do you think?


It took me a while to understand the very deep logic

I like the idea! Very funny and logical!

This is a game I made for the #1GAM January 2016 Theme: Hobby.

This is a sort-of-a-quiz-type-game, where there is no right answer! Only what you feel is correct. This game is also to look intentionally old-school and even the secrets here are, well, funny, I guess, or offending, or maybe "Jumpscare"?

The developer is willing to take any form of critism, feedback, ratings(just be honest), and also if you want to help me, after you've played the game that is, just send me a private message regarding what you want to contribute to the funny game! You will be credited :D



Final Build!

So I added new question-then.

Also Im going to stop the development of this game since I need to focus on my next game.