
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Like and good job!


Good megaman inspired game :D
I wish some parts of each stage isn't cloned from other part IOW make each part unique
Still stuck in final stage, I may need to give it another try :)

BTW since each boss has name, there should be names for each playable. Yes, I've unlocked all of them

Frutoid and Candone conflict.... hmmm... makes me think if there would be spinoff featuring bosses as playables ;)

needs a control config screen. BADLY.

At start i don't feel enjoy it because i can't change the controller input(I am wasd user tbh).

Also if you already complete the stage and want to revisit the stage . There is no exit button and you must force to finish the stage again.

The only good thing about this game is you can change your character. My Fav frutoid is the yellow one. She seems possess protoman power. Has faster speed and high jump

There some very rare occurence where you can stuck at the tiles. Causing a softlock.

So i must say although this game has some flaws. It's not quite bad though. It's still need some work but it's okay

After the failed series of Levity Fleet, I've moved on to work on this game. It's similar to platformers, but having a much larger focus on boss battles. Unlike Levity Fleet earlier, it'll be quite challenging.
#action #adventure #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

It's the Buildoids and Scrapones from the 8 bit games, but converted into 16 bit. As an extra bonus, I gave them much needed redesigns to allow the ability to transform, which will add to the gameplay as well. Until next time, have a good day!

It's the Proloids and Bordones from the 8 bit games, but converted into 16 bit. If that wasn't good enough, I chose to improve their designs to allow for the ability to transform, which will add to the gameplay itself. Until next time, have a good day!

Hey all, I've made up my mind. I'm gonna make this page become the dedicated page for Levity Fleet Mega. A new series that takes place after LF4's events, but with new 16 bit graphics and improved gameplay. Look forward to it!

After hours of hard thought, I realized what I needed to do. I'm gonna change Quirk'etal to an action RPG where the character can utilize two weapons and learn new skills as they level up. It wasn't a decision I wanted, but it'll help much more.

Here's an example of what the intro stage boss for Quirk'etal will be like, I know it's very basic, but it's a decent WIP for what'll appear ingame.