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Game Soundtrack

1 song

Main Theme

In this game you play as the son of wind and have to save your world from being utterly destroyed by the Devil and he armies of the Dark Zone! Battle throught the 4 kingdoms saving kings and faceing off against the devil himself until the Dark Zone is defeated!

Story: 300 years ago to this day the world reverted to medieval state. All modern technology was wiped out along with half of the planet now known as the ‘Dark Zone’. Nobody knows exactly what happened or why it happened. Scientists believe a meteor collided with a nearby planet cracking it into two pieces and then colliding with our planet. Everybody, every creature, was wiped out bar four powerful humans. They were given a gift of magic! One wielding the power of fire, one the power of earth, one the power of water and one the power of wind! They used their powers to create a new race of humans, stronger than the last. Each human now all had the power to wield one of their father’s powers but many chose not to and favoured blade over magic. Wars started to break out between the four main houses until one unforgiving day. The day the Dark Zone invaded! The four houses had to come together to fend off the Dark Zone and the armies of the devil, and they did by the will of god. But the armies of the Dark Zone are now coming back and with greater numbers and power. You are one of the main fours sons, the one remaining direct son of the Wind King. You were frozen in time by your father encase something as bad as this were to happen. You are the son of wind, you are our saviour, you are the last man alive to be able to wield the Line of Solitude and I am your sworn protector!


**Youtube: *****




Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference
Comical Shenanigans
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