Comments (7)
My AntiVirus software lable this as a trojan
Looks great Gan! keep up the good work!
Lost in Forest: remake
This is the remake one. Enjoy and please review.
Bercerita tentang seorang ksatria bernama Ralph bersama dengan pelatihnya, Rudolf. Mereka sedang melakukan pelatihan khusus di hutan yang sangat jauh dari desanya. Di malam hari ke-4 pelatihan mereka, Ralph tersadar bahwa Rudolf sang pelatih menghilang begitu saja. Keadaan ini membuat Ralph bingung karena ia tersesat di hutan gelap yang ia sendiri tak mengenalinya. Kesialan Ralph belum selesai, teror-teror dari Bellum dan makhluk pelahap manusia berdatangan menyudutkan Ralph.
Sampai ia benar-benar bisa keluar dari hutan terkutuk itu, Ralph terus berusaha bertahan hidup dan mencari kebenaran semua ini.
Tells of a knight-be named Ralph along with his coach, Rudolf. They are conducting special training in the forest that very far from the village. On the night of the 4th day of their training, Ralph realized that Rudolf disappeared. This situation makes Ralph confused because he got lost in the dark woods that he himself did not recognize him. Misfortune Ralph unfinished, terrors of Bellum and human-eater came attacking Ralph.
Until he really could get out of the cursed forest, Ralph kept trying to survive and seek the truth of all this.
Turn Active Battle System
Better event design
More level more harder
Feel the maze runner (You as player will lost in forest because the puzzle itself.)
All item in one shop, secret shop exactly
Bahasa Indonesia
There is Good and Bad ending
Shocked music and SFX
Shocked ending
Mild Language