
Comments (2)

What do you think?

It starts good but the targetted shooting bowmen ruin the game. Without proper ability to counter them, bowmen is a scourge. I suggest give ability to block and strike upwards to make this game better .

And no, cutting arrow isn't a proper ability .

Lotus Crusade
v1.11 © 2021 neko(zuki)

Move :
WASD -or- ↑←↓→

Attack :
RMB -or- Z

Item :
LMB -or- X 

Select item :
Mouse wheel up/down -or- SHIFT/CTRL

Pause :

Reset :

Retro platformer. Beware of difficulty. It is recommended to play this game in TRUE full screen mode (i.e. hiding the address bar, etc), which can be achieved on most browsers by pressing F11 (and F11 again to exit full screen). Do not be alarmed if your cursor vanishes; this is intentional so that the pointer doesn't get in the way. It will reappear again if you exit full screen and move the mouse upward.

#challenge #chanbara #difficult #japan #japanese #ninja #platform #platformer #retro

Animated Bloodshed

v1.11 released

— "Continue" and "Quit" options added to game over screen

— Climbing mechanics improved (pressing up alone is now sufficient to climb onto a ledge rather than having to press up + left or right)

v1.06 released

— Music added

— Archer firing speed slightly nerfed

— Glitch fixed involving zone 2 checkpoints

v1.05 released

— Sound effect system improved

— Wall climbing aesthetics improved

— Phaser 2 CE version upgraded to 2.19

v1.04 released

— Sound effects added

— Item system upgraded; when an item runs out, the next available item is now automatically chosen

— Glitch fixed involving item select and mouse wheel

— Glitch fixed involving boss 3 death

— Rank system tweaked again

v1.03 released

— Glitch fixed involving game over screen not showing

— Glitch fixed involving rank system

— Rank system lightly tweaked