
Comments (10)

What do you think?

Ok, I've got to be honest this game is an extremely rough experience. I want to give a few tips, if you'd be willing to take them. First, remove the critical hit chance on all of Hart's skills. One time he punched Buddy for 3,500 damage. That was the moment I felt the need to say something. Secondly, him acting multiple times is ok but could you please make a separate status effect for his grab? Stacking just three max hp debuffs on one target ruins your chance to defend yourself entirely. If I'd have to make a suggestion, make it a 35% hp loss and cap it there. Third suggestion is to stop having enemies attack when they reach hp thresholds. I don't know what the general community opinion is on that but Hart gets around three attacks when he transforms and at worst four, and it gets so bad because he can hit everyone with multiple forms of AOE. You can't have Hart act 4 times potentially, and then have the really fast mutant sweep you and steal your turn. It honestly kind of feels like total robbery. Remember, it's eight vs two. You're outnumbered four to two. It's especially ridiculous because one of them can act two times, Hart can act around four and Papa Wood can kill you in a single attack. It's all just too much. For that part, I think you shouldn't let Hart act at all for his transformation. And at the very least make Wayne faster then Rando but slower then Buddy. That's all I got for now, I'm still trying to beat this darn thing.

Buddy, this is the third mod of yours that has the exact same problem with ridiculous balancing. I hate to be rude, but did you even playtest the hard mode version of this at all? The normal mode is perfectly fine, but the hard mode has the most insufferable stun-locking I've seen since Arkantos. If you're going to keep making "hard mods", could you please try to balance them such that they're actually possible and not sandwich the fights between 2 minutes of dialogue? The last fight against **spoilers** is outright impossible if you don't get good RNG, especially with eight enemies that can nearly one-hit you after the -MaxHP move.

Again, there's some really good content here, but this is a consistent problem across all of your works that really ought to be examined. You obviously can keep posting this content all you want, but people aren't going to enjoy this if they have to attempt the fights 8 or 9 times.

This is really good, I love the new additions that were made in the recent Update!

This game has taught me one thing and one thing only. I hate Wayne King. Screw you, your trash talk pissing Buddy off when I needed her to do something important, and your multiple turns, Wayne.

Can you make where Vegaful fight against Buddy and Rando?


[1.2] LISA: Lovely Showdown

Version: 1.2.0over 3 years ago

[1.1] Lovely Showdown

Version: 1.1.0almost 4 years ago

[1.0] Lovely Showdown

Version: 1.0.0almost 4 years ago

Liked Brad's adopted children? Want to see them bond over fighting a gang of brutal rapists and their leader who is basically the evil counterpart of one of said adopted children? Wait no more!

Fight off some Lovely bastards with a revamped moveset from Arkantos and a restored arsenal for the peace bringer! And a whole load of explosives.

  • Push back restoration progress for modern medicine.

  • Piss Hart off.

  • Oily firebombs.

  • Make a guy or two party hard!

The LISA franchise is made by Austin Jorgensen. LISA: The Hopeful is by Taco Salad. The Arkantos mod is made by Clovis I Merovingian. Hopeful in Joyful was made by Calvin. Additional assets were taken from SOWTS (made by JCJimmy), made by Father Kuro, or made by me! This mod was requested by P4Lmen. Many thanks to Frowgurt for helping out.


#fangame #rpg

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor

Update 1.2 is out!


Update soon!

Update 1.1 is out! Includes two sub-optimal save files for those looking to quickly get to the juicy bits.

There's a bit of difficulty trickle-down, but I hope you will find this finale a fairer one.

Small update coming soon!

- Start at a higher level.

- Three new endings.

- A tiny new area!

I will be leaving the older version up for comparison.

Thank you for the criticism, and look forward to it!