
Comments (13)

What do you think?

Hey, cool looking game!

I have a couple of smaller usability suggestions, if I may:

  • If you plan to support desktop computers definitely add keyboard controls

  • It would be good if I only had to click the direction I want to move, not the exact tile.

  • Or even better, if there would be a small "pathfinding" at least to two or three tiles distance. I kept clicking two tile away around the corners.

  • The map is frequently used function (at least as I played it :) ) - it should move faster because the waiting to come up/move out gets boring/annoying quickly.

  • I quit the inventory a couple of times, because I didn't clicked exactly on the paging arrows... I think it would be enough to check the clicks against the bounding box of the arrows, not the exact pixels, and only quit the inventory by clicking on the bag.

  • I'm not sure but when I had two chickens, and a potion in the inventory, and I used one of the chickens, the inventory advanced to the potion, even though I had one more chicken.

  • the flying damage numbers are hard to see - I'm not sure what could be done in this resolution to make them more distinct though... Maybe start to fade out them instantly as they appear?

Cool little dungeon crawler! Would've been cool to have some additional items or whatever, but I like the way the view makes the game feel tenser and claustrophobic.

The other comments have already covered the additions or modifications I'd offer, so I'll just say that you've managed to create a cohesive game space out of just 1024 pixels. It looks good and it feels good!

Really nice game, I love the graphics as well! I included it in part 7 of my Lowrez Jam compilation video series, if you'd like to take a look :)

I like it, haven't found the exit yet, though. A few humble suggestions:

  • It would be neat if the player should move more smoothly through the dungeon. Not sure whether it would be Roquelike then.

  • Opening the map and the inventory should be possible with the keyboard as well.

  • This game would be awesome to play in fullscreen. May you could integrate the Fullscreen API?

  • It would be nice if the compass would be drawn over the map "button"

I look forward for upcoming updates!


#Lowrezjam Roguelike

Version: 1.0.0almost 11 years ago

For some reason the game isn't displaying correctly. Trying to fix it. Sorry

#Lowrezjam Roguelike

This is my entry for the #lowrezjam it is currently unfinished but have uploaded it for some feedback. I'm open to name suggestions, but I need to be able to fit it on 32x32 titlescreen :)


Use mouse/touch - Click 1 block from player and he will move to that space. I may add moving 2 spaces to speed up movement.

The usable items are:

  • Chicken will add 5 HP to the player.

  • Potion will restore half of the players lost health.

  • Teleport (purple item) will teleport the player to a random position.

To exit the level stand on the exit and click the player.

Combat is standard roguelike stand next to a monster and click to kill.

When using the map there is a compass in the top left corner. The red end of the needle points to the exit.


Add a shop or item award for finding the exit.

Add all usable items.

Add as much as I can think of before the end of the month. Possibly acheivements, stats tracking and a bestiary page for the monsters.

Thanks for trying it out :)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

#Lowrezjam Roguelike Update 2

#Lowrezjam Roguelike Update 1

#Lowrezjam Roguelike