Lunar Conquest (Quick Skirmish)
This project has been cancelled, and will not resume development.
Welcome to Lunar Conquest! A real time strategy game that takes place in space in the far future. In this game, you must take control of either a Federation Commander who must protect his country, or a Space Pirate trying to keep a solid revenue rolling for his family. With these two different stories, you have two common goals; To defeat the Zarkithan, a mysterious alien race that just showed up one day and started attacking everything in their path to Earth.
Image: https://i.gjcdn.net/data/games/2/186/171436/media/game-description/spr_federation_symbol_0-cy3u66bz.pngAs the Federation, you:
Must protect your nation and carry out whatever orders are given to you, as well as exterminating all and any Ravanger or Zarkithan ships.
Have a large yet mediocre arsenal to your advantage.
Image: https://i.gjcdn.net/data/games/2/186/171436/media/game-description/spr_ravanger_symbol-dy2rwatc.pngAs the Ravangers, you:
Go around and gather whatever scrap and crystals you can, while avoiding the Federation and Zarkithan.
Have a smaller arsenal to your disposal, but with stronger ships to make up for that.
Campaigns are not finished yet and will most likely change in the future.
Select many troops at once and send them to attack whatever.
Send Processor units to various crystal sources across the maps, and mine them for more crystals to make more units.
You have access to many different ships, like Fighters or Sentrys, and Giant Starships. The more powerful, the more costly they are.
Upgrade your station to access more powerful and bigger ships.
Artwork | Lyricless
Engine | HeartBeast
Story | Lyricless
Music | N/A
Beta Testers | N/A