
Comments (10)

What do you think?

Wow! I see that you already added the respawning and even did other additions and fixes to the game. And it's only been a day - that was fast! Great work on this one! I found the secret weapon by accident. :D The third boss is so hard though O.O I have to try to figure out what I'm doing wrong, I guess it's something with how I approach the fight with that laser spitting monstrosity xD I gave your game 5/5.

Hi! Nice game! One question though.. Do I really have to close the game to have another try? Or am I just missing something? xD

Looks like an intense, challenging space ship game. Cool stuff!

This is a retro game of a space expedition that has gone wrong! The aliens are enraged from the presence of a spacecraft near their territory! Survive as long as you can towards the possibly endless swarms of aliens attacking your spacecraft!
This is also my very first upload here in Game Jolt. I won't be making a lot of games because of college, but I hope I can squeeze some time for updating this even further; When it has enough plays or feedback.

+Compatibility for non-window users.


  • Bug fixes at level 5, Progress bar and text is now shown all the time instead of not shown at all.

  • Enemy cap increased in level 5.

  • Made bosses have a lot more HP when encountered on level 5.

  • Fixed a bug at the last boss and enemy.

  • Score now increases more depending on level.

  • Less enemies spawning in earlier levels.

  • High score text fix.

v1.3.2- One year to fix stuff?

  • You respawn after death.

  • Progress bar to indicate when a boss will spawn.

  • The progress bar then can become a boss HP bar when a boss is on screen.

  • Nerfed the last boss completely.

  • Changed the 2nd enemy (Bat Martian's) attack.

  • Changed the 3rd boss' attack patterns a bit.

  • Fixed some bugs.


  • The secret weapon now has a trail effect.

Previously, the game was released in this topic:

  • Major update: Fourth boss is a lot more exciting and is now more beatable, with a mini-stun effect.

  • Removed debug code (Which no one would figure out anyway to prevent high score hacking.)


  • Laser knockback reduced MORE.

  • Ball and Laser enemy spawn rate decreased.


  • Major update: Changed second boss' behaviour!

  • Major update: The third boss' laser has less knockback.

  • Bug fixed: Ship disappearing out of sight ever so suddenly.

  • Bug fixed: Accuracy being reduced rapidly when your secret weapon fires at lasers.

  • Faster secret weapon fire rate and velocity!


  • Major update: Background update!

  • Major update: Clearer instructions in start menu!

  • Motion Compensation!


Mild Cartoon Violence
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!