Comments (3)
Emotionally moving and life-changing. 10 Garfields out of 10.

Five Nights at Marvin's 1
Five Nights at Freddy's 1 mod
Spend the 7 days at Marvins Pizzera and Fun House. How Ever You are NOT alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are the Marvin ANimatronics hunting you down while you are on the night watch shift
Cre dits:
@DA_PEPO Oiginal idea of FIve Nights at Marvin's
@SRank_ Help With IrfanView even THouh i switched back to paint.net
@DeadlyXflower Also Oiginal Idea of Five Nights at Marvin's And Make THUmbnail ANd Teaser ANd Heaer
@Rhadamus Click Team Help
GasterStreams319 - Voioice CActing
OffWhiteAngel<3 - for injuring their fucking wrist doing the scream in night 4 An Do Children Drawing
@temporaltower - Feedbakc And Children Drawing
Disdscslaimer: YOu Need Oriiginal Fnaf To Play Corresponding Marvin Game!!!! You Will Have To Patch EXE To Play. Tutorial Will Be pOsted WHen Mod Release
#fnaf #fangame #sports #fnaf gamejolt stop adding the fnaf tag again #fnaf #fnaf STOP #fnaf HELP #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference