
Comments (16)

What do you think?

it says "RPGVXAce RTP is reguired to run this game"

why mastermax888
became a .exe?

...I'll make a game. About How I Really feel about everything right now.

Is this game saposed to be short? cause its very good it should have like chapters.

hmm, ok.

It's here after some days, it's MasterMax888.exe! And when you get in the game, make sure to look for easter eggs! Only the first map! And special thanks to HedgeHogSelf on Twitter for giving me his MasterMax888 sprites! And I have to put the file in .rar because the compressing wasn't working. If you don't be stupud in the game, it's about 5 - 10 minutes long I guess...

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
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