Comments (80)
1 star. lolz
Alright, i just played and i have to say it was a little below average (2.2/3) in my opinion, it could do much better... Spend some more time on it and fix the glitch at the end ok? I won't rate (yet) 'cause its your first and your still learning GM i suppose... Anyways if you spend more time on this, and maybe use your own sprites it could get up to a 3/5. :) Tip: learn how to use friction, it makes the gameplay much smoother. :P
I didnt like it;
To be honest, It was bad.
I know this was your first game, and all. But here my "Honest Opinion" As you said to leave.
I didnt really like the graphics, Well they were very unorginal, Not yours and they dont look good.
The gameplay was really slow, I dont mean in the lag way, I mean it was just plain slow, From what I could see there wasnt any help, I hit a wall and I was Liek WTF?! Because i didnt know you wernt alowwed to touch the walls. Well,I dont want this comment to be to big. So ill leave it at that.
Mazeland 1
My first game ever. The first game of the series 'Mazeland'.
Please feel free to comment honestly.
Special thanks to madmaker.
Hope you like it.