
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Has a spooky atmosphere! Love the potential this game offers. Will definitely check out the other two. Thanks for the game!

I'm like this game

I played the game and I really liked it!
I' m learning game development and would like to make something similar to this.
Can you please send me the unity project file so I can fiddle around with it and get to know how it works and stuff?
Thanks in advance.

Awesome game. I made a quick video about it. would love to see some more levels in the future. anyway, heres the Link hope you enjoy.

			AMAZING GAME me and my crew should be doing a video soon ;)

Push "Esc" To Exit The Game At Any Time

Find Your Way Through The Levels!
Try To Escape Them All!


Update 2.0 Info

Text optomized now bigger screens can see all the letters!

Use “E” to toggle light no more “ER”

Hope you enjoy the final build of this game!