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Medieval Warz Game

Version: 1.7.7over 9 years ago

Find a buddy and battle it out building your own armies from archers, pikemen, militia, horsemen, peasants and cannons. Or simply hit quick battle or quickbattle vs comp and start the game right away.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

now with grass and dirt textures.

grass and dirt textures yo

Now with 1280x 800 resolution see more of the battlefield. + more

Smart Hill creation tool, as well as recreation of the battle of Hastings.

New unit "Peasants" + flanking bonus.

now there are peasants in the mix, as well as a new thing where if you attack someones rear flank they take heavy casualties.

AI units avaliable in custom army.

you can now place the AI anyway you like and battle it!