Comments (25)
what is this? blantados (a fnf creator) posted a link on youtube for his mod and when i clicked on it, it sent me here
yo BETADCIU new update looks sick
I'm just here for te betadciu mod and this is not that i searched
ayooooooo new BETADCIU update is siiiiiiiick
link is broken so just type in the mod
META is a game about an adventure game within an editor - in other words, a metagame. It's a game that you can edit while playing it, and that you must change to complete.
A highly original game, it plays in a game editor called BHT which is suspiciously like AGS (adventure game studio); within this editor, you can play a game called Awesmoe Quest, which is rather broken and buggy. To actually complete this sub-game, you have to swap back and forth to the BHT editor, in a surreal exercise of twisted logic and lateral thinking. Assisting you in this task is Cuppit, a cup-shaped office assistant who can give old Clippy a run for his money in terms of annoyance.
This is a game you have to see to believe (or disbelieve). Anyone involved in game design or level design will probably find it very funny; anyone not so involved might simply be confused. At least one reviewer completely missed the point of the game, and called Awesmoe Quest a bad game while not seeing that this was intentional. Surreality is not for everyone.
#adventure #retro #pointnclick