
The Arcade Port Is Coming Next!

Complete with a customisable playable character, the ability to edit the appearance of the game-world, and enemies you will have to alternate between circumnavigating and attacking, you are certain to get tons of enjoyment out of what we have planned for the next and final major update to the game! It'll be an alternative to the now-existing version 3.1, which will reimagine the gameplay in as close to full-3D as that for which 2D sprites can allow!

What's available now in version 3.1?

This is a PowerPoint port of the platforming portion of the classic SEGA GENESIS version of the even more nostalgic (to some [but not me though since I grew up playing the GENESIS edition]), and quite the lot unique, arcade game.

• Click on each door to see if there is a sixteen bit, blue shirted, black panted, Shakira ish looking little girl inside.

• If there is, click on her to go to the next level.

• If a guard comes out of a door, click on him to vanquish him.


• Simple point and click controls;

• Classic sixteen bit style (although more Super Nintendo Entertainment System like than GENESIS esque, because that's what I knew how to pull off when I originally developed this game engine over eight years ago;

• An amazing soundtrack, hand recrafted by ear to near perfectly match the melodies, drumlines, and chord progressions of the original GENESIS version, complete with a spot on high quality imitation of the "Who's Bad" sample;

• A sound test mode that goes more in depth than the original GENESIS edition when it comes to inclusivity;

• An all around old fashioned honking good time!

Please enjoy, and as I always love to say to my fans, "The Jaders™", "Happy Jading!™"

Comical Shenanigans
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