
Comments (2)

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Loads but nothing works

The game's source and assets have been open sourced. The code can be found on github/BacioiuC/MIWarfare. It's still WIP and I will work on adding units and features during the weekend (free time). Feel free to leave suggestions and to play with the game's code.

The source is also supplied with the game. You can change variables and do tweaks on your own without having to compile. Make your units stronger, weaker, etc. Enjoy and thanks for playing.

The game was made in 48h for Ludumdare + some after jam tweaks.

MIW: Minimal Interaction Warfare is a 2D, simple, strategy game. The player can win the game by either defeating all the opposing units or by successfully placing 3 units on the last row of the map (where team 2 starts).

The player starts the game with a fixed ammount of points and can exchange them for units (soldiers, tanks). After placing all his units on the board he can skip towards the simulation (and hope for the best) or issue pause the game and issue orders to each unit. There are two types of commands: a) Move to position and enter defence mod and b) Move to position and enter attack mode.

How To play:

When the game starts, you have 1290 points which you can spend
on units (soldiers and tanks). A soldier costs 40 and a tank 100.
Soldiers stats:

  • They do high damage

  • Low Health points

  • Lower Range than tanks
    (good for offense)


  • They do less damage then the soldier

  • Huge Health Points

  • Higher Attack Range
    (great for defense, stalling the enemy)

You can only place units on the lower part of the screen (first two rows)

After placing all the units on the grid, you must click the
double green arrow on the "Unit Bar" on top of the screen.

The following screen is a "Command Screen". You must select
a unit by clicking on it. If the blue arrow is selected
then that unit will enter a defend mode, when reaching the end
of the path, and will remain at that location. You can pause the game by right-clicking and issue another set of commands to your units.

If the Red Arrow is selected then, after the unit reaches the end of the
path, he will engage an enemy.

Once a unit is selected click on any position on the screen to
start a path. The path continues to generate until the "END PATH"
button is clicked. You can pass through the same tiles as many times as
you want, thus creating a loop of paths.

In order to start the simulation you must press the double green arrows
on the upper side of the screen.

Units that are given commands (move-attack, move-defend) get a stats boost.


Mild Cartoon Violence
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!