
Comments (8)

What do you think?


how da fuck do I log in
all I get is error cant even get in the game

11/10 IGN - Best game ever m8 but where is snup dog in this game?

10/10 Serously

Yeah, i loved it. That's totally my type of games.


MLG c0d n0sc0pe simulator 2015

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

So this is my very first game. I know its kind of bad but hey, its my first game. So basicly you spam keys period, 2, and . The reason I chose those is because there very hard to spam. Enjoy!

May need to refresh the game a little bit if you are having problems with loading

#MLG #cod #noscope #codsimulator #codnoscope #rage #codnoscopesimulator

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans


Cod noscope sim 2 is up! Go play it! its better, in first person, and more fun!

MLG c0d n0sc0pe simulator 2015

Work in progress for MLG cod noscope simulator 2, its going to be much better. It will be in a first person viewW