
Comments (1)

What do you think?

this game is much better than my game! congrats, i already know that from the trailer. looks awesome!

One night, some aliens randomly kidnap the wife of a bloke called Dave!
They will soon realize that Dave is not a man they should have angered...

Run and jump around angrily on and in the moon, picking up weapons, and traversing some platforming challenges, while blasting any and all aliens who get in your way!

  • 13 levels to traverse, filled with secrets, easter eggs, and lots of danger!

  • 4 bosses to meet, learn, and DESTROY!

  • 3 difficulty levels to choose from, each one changing the way levels play!

  • Bonus content to unlock by achieving an S Rank on each level! (Rankings menu will appear on the main menu after beating the game)

This game was started as just a quick little project that I planned to finish within a week or something, as kind of a break from working on other, bigger games. But then I got too carried away and actually started putting some more effort into it, and now, 5 months later, here it is!
However, it's still intended to be a silly game, in the vein of The Geezer Adventure and most other games I make.
So if you feel the music is terrible, the graphics are bad, and/or the level design leaves a lot to be desired, don't worry! It was most likely meant to be that way.

Also this game can be buggy! I've done the best I can with my knowledge of Multimedia Fusion 2, but play carefully! Jumping into walls and ceilings may end up causing you to become stuck!
I've carefully designed levels to minimize the chances of this happening by accident, but if it does happen, you can always reset a screen by pressing Q if that happens.
Sorry for any inconvenience!

I have also included a walkthrough containing level passwords and cheat codes, and also a guide to help with achieving S Ranks!

Thank you for taking an interest in my game(s), and for reading this!
I hope you enjoy your experience as a Moon Warrior!


  • Move: Arrow keys

  • Jump: Shift

  • *Attack: Ctrl

  • *Pause: Ctrl + P

  • *Reset Level: Q

  • #platformer

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
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