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My Transport Agency - a game about managing an agency dealing with the transport of both goods and people.

In this game you have the opportunity to explore a small part of the world from the Saibane branded universe. Complete bounties from the citizens as well as unique and more difficult Imperial Deliveries.


  • Living and dynamic world (~35% done)

  • Means of transport in the form of cards with upgrades to them (in dev)

  • Many different goods (currently 56)

  • Various events such as robbery attack (in dev)

  • Expansion of the headquarters giving various profits

  • The Empress's Satisfaction - a mechanic that determines whether you will have bonuses or penalties

And a few more that will be added later in the development of the project.

Living and dynamic world

The number of inhabitants in cities changes over time. The old die and children are born. Have the opportunity to influence the development of a given city. Cities need different goods to be able to develop. Deliver goods to increase the happiness of your citizens. Satisfied residents have a better impact on the city's development.

However, not only the number of inhabitants changes, but also the amount of goods in city warehouses. Cities produce specific goods, and each good in production requires a different one. Maintain production nodes by delivering specific goods.

#carts #indie

Mild Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Crass Humor

Good time to share some information

Development process is progressing a little slower than expected, but from significant novelties or changes -mechanics of the "life" of the world have been improved. Residents can emigrate and migrate between cities.
