Comments (10)

when mod
wen well the mod come out?
This Friday Night Funkin mod contains assets that are used in FNF Vs Dave and Bambi and FNF Vs Dave and Bambi: Golden Apple Edition
BOYFRIEND.xml revisits Dave and Bambi for more rap battles! This time however... things get a little more out of hand.
When BOYFRIEND.xml asks Dave to go 3D again and control the 3D world, it acts as a gateway for other universes, alternate universe characters then show up to rap battle bf.
What you will expect to see in the finished mod:
30+ weeks!
100+ Songs!
TONS of new characters!
Ultra hard songs!
Songs that feature more than 4 keys!
A hell difficulty with remixed songs and harder charts.
Dave and Tristan!!
Bamburg's return and Bombu's return!
Joke songs.
And a LOT more!!
This is just a passion project so don't expect it to be perfect lolol