Comments (18)
Hey! I did a Let's Play of this game. It might have just been me, but I was having a lot of trouble getting things to work the way they seemed they should.
I like the idea of there being more than just what you see and that being revealed as you explore (usually by dying). I really like the way the monochromatic color (black-white gradients) and the music add to that sense of unease and betrayal. I fell into pretty much every trap, and each one taught me a bit more about the level.
Unfortunately, more often I was dying to jumps that require at minimum pixel perfect timing - if not straight luck - and collision problems in most rooms I was able to get to. I repeatedly fell into stairs and could not get out, forcing me to restart from the beginning. Having to be precise isn't a bad thing, I actually love games like that, but going back to the beginning of the previous room is a bit too punishing for me, especially when that would frequently put me up against more collision errors.
I go into a bit more detail about what I like and what I wish was part of this in the video, but overall I really like it and would love to play a 2.0 release! =D
I still find collison bugs in the later part of teh game
I put an annotion in my review noting that the bug has been delt with
cool I wil ove to play the updated version
www DOT youtube DOT com/watch?v=6NzJaoROpns
Dont let the light mislead you...
Please report any bugs you find via comments or [email protected].