
Comments (1)

What do you think?

This is really good. I like how you made it your own too. ;)


Hello and welcome,

I'm currently a student at Fontys university.

During my study, I got some spare time, so I challenged myself to learn more about Unity and so I have created this little game which is based on Undertale's battlesystem.
I hope you like it!
And if you have anything to say like a tip or your opinion then please say it in the comments.
Even if you disliked it, just comment it. I just want to improve myself and my ICT skills.
Thanks for giving my game a try!


A & D: to move left or right
W: to jump
Enter/Return: to continue in dialog
Esc: to quit


It is a short battle where you have to dodge the arrows that are thrown at you. It contains 1 example round (which is repeatable) and 3 real rounds.
For the undertale fans: yes, it's not that difficult if you played undertale!

(Made during block 1 of year 1 (13 october - 18 october 2017), arround 20 hours of work)

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