
Comments (5)

What do you think?

this looks really fucking cool, I love how the main menu looks

looks peak, btw long time i didnt see you

Night At Charles' its a... fnaf fangame...


#fnaf #fangame #other #pointnclick #horror

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

Ah, you're breathing?

This will be the game icon for the beta

Now that i got time to think and think and think and think and

Okay here's my offer

You receive: a beta with ugly placeholders and no sound

I receive: criticism and more time to make the game

Can you guys believe it

Im actually gonna release a game

The game is bad and boring dont play it when it comes out

The cameras woooork

I just gotta do the ai and the game will be out

Bro this job is so fucking easy


im scared.