Comments (13)
I really enjoyed this game, but it was a little short. I did record it for youtube and I hope you will make some more games like this one, but maybe longer. Thanks so much for this game.
Good morning! I recorded and made a video of your game a couple of days ago. I really enjoyed it, and hope that you make more like these someday! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFJ0B4_Qg24 Have an absolutely lovely day! :D
Hi there, I was wondering if you would like a lets play of your game. It seems very interesting and I would love to make a video
i cant get pass the part where you find the kid i cant find anything T^T
Hmm if your Interested we could work together if you want, I am good at Composing music and Pixel art, if you wish to see some of my Work http://darkmoddex.deviantart.com/
All in all i enjoined your game and you did a Great job as one Person
Night in the Cottage
Set on a treacherous mountain, a young college student get lost on his trail after failing to find the rare herb for his research project. Now, he was stuck in a vacant cottage to find a radio to send a distress call, but it's seems there's more on this cottage. Was it really vacant?
Two endings
Point and Click exploration
Gallery page (unlocked when you beat the game)
If you encounter any error please contact me!
Thanks for downloading the game!