Comments (1)
Took me a bit of time, had some odd errors but well done on this game. Hope I got a good ending.
Genre: horror adventure
Languages: Spanish, English, Italian, French, Russian, German, Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese
Duration: 30 minutes
space jump
Shift Run
Right Click Pickup
E interact
left click look back
Tab Menu
It is not long after a spirit leaves the world of the living, until it arrives where it belongs, Grace will be involved in a strange environment after a violent event, She will have to explore to get out or wake up
There is no synopsis or spoiler here.
Genero: aventura terror
Idiomas: Español,ingles,italiano,frances,ruso,aleman,chino,arabe,koreano,japones,portuges
Duracion: 30 minutos
WASD Moverte
Espacio Saltar
Shift Correr
Click Derecho Cojer
E interactuar
Click izquierdo Mirar atras
Tab Menu
No pasa mucho tiempo después de que un espíritu deja el mundo de los vivos, hasta que llega a donde pertenece, Grace se verá envuelta en un ambiente extraño luego de un evento violento, tendrá que explorar para poder salir o despertar
Aqui no hay sinopsis ni spoiler #horror #adventure #femaleprotagonist #unity