Comments (9)
B!TCH, ANSWER ME! I DEMAND YOU TO ANSWER ME, I'M BATMAN! oh god, look at me? Look what your game has done to me :D jajaja damn, don't mind me, i'm just weird. I love you :3
I love this serie! seriously, if you stop, im gonna kill ya' jajaja no, really, I'm your fan <3 anyways, i already finished Chapter 1 and uhm, i got almost all endings and stuff (pretty interesting -) and when a want to start next chapter (Chapter 2) It tells me that i cannot play it until i finish Chapter 1 and i'm like ?WHAT? So, something's clearly wrong here. What can i do? I can't sleep like this! (not like i slept to much either xd) PLEASE; HELP MEE! (Great game, btw :3) Have i told you yet i'm your fan? <3
So you made a sequel.I thought that I was done with jeff the killer games until you made a sequel and made me pee my pants again.Thank you :)
I am going to make a very lengthy and honest review of what I think about this game as it is right now. Keep in mind I do not mean to be outwardly offensive and I tried my best to exhaust every possibility of what can be done in the game before stopping. Please keep in mind that I wish this game to be as effective as you want it, I do not mean in anyway to tell you to stop developing or anything mean like that. I'm here to help, not stop you.
First off I want to address the description of the game.
Jumpscares, a new experience for a horror RPG maker game?
I will have to disagree with you there, mostly because the fact that jumpscares are just a cheap way to get one or two seconds of fear out of the player or annoy them, because they have seen enough jumpscares from other games.
Horror elements, like what? Lots of blood?
Dialogue. Only dialogue I got was the brief family disagreement from the start. Other than that it's pretty much character observations.
15 or older to play.
When it comes to games on consoles or computer games, the game is rated by the ERSB. Adult content would be rated M for mature, which indicates 17 or older to play and if the game is being bought at a store that sells them, they are required to check your age with a valid ID. However from what I saw, you can remove the alcohol, tobacco and drug use, because I didn't see any of it.
However you can put a disclaimer like: "17 or older to play, play at your own risk. We are not responsible for minors to be introduced to the elements within the game." Something like that.
CD and extra stuff?
Great that you're treating your game like a legtimate game. CD manufacturing and extra stuff to give to the players.
Now I'll get into what I think about the game at various points that I wish to make.
Character introduction
Why should I care about this forgettable girl character we play? I know she has a name, but I didn't really see it that often besides the start when her parents were talking. I do not know how old she is, because the character graphics pretty much look like they're all in the same age group, so I cannot tell if she's just being a spoiled teenager or just a rude woman. If the objective of the story is to uncover the truth about Jeff the Killer, why out of ALL people, is this character able to accomplish this? What makes her so special or unique that she can survive the ordeal? And why out of all hotels or establishments, this has to take place?
Jumpscares and Where's Jeff?
A very cheap way to attempt to scare the player. Now I can say from my experience that I am more annoyed by them, because they're used in every game that attempts to be horrific. First jumpscare shows us the famous red picture of Smile Dog. Why are we given that image? First easy possible death is with a poorly cropped picture of a woman in the mirror, which is a very unfair death because I had no indication that the mirror was affected by whatever influence is affecting the hotel. Slenderman appears out of nowhere for no reason, and also he's used as an unfair death if the player enters the room to the left of the parent's room and head straight down to the spacious underground tunnel. There's no chance of running away from him. Also I thought based on his lore that you'd have to be in his forest, collecting pages and you have to actually look at him in order to be in danger. In this game, he just chases you down in a futile escape and kills the player. Why is he here? I thought this game was about Jeff the Killer, not every single popular Creepy Pasta that everyone knows about. In the vents, if the player goes up, they will run into something into the darkness, which makes a lot of noise. This jump scare is very ineffective, because I can barely see a figure that's mostly obscured by the shadows and it made a lot of noise. From that event, a random teleportation happens and same red Smile Dog picture appears, but it kills the player. We saw it before and it didn't kill the player, why did it do it now? Next jumpscare if the player goes down the vents, and runs into a double Jeff the Killer jumpscare. Why is there two Jeff's? Is there any reason why his image could be doubled when there's only on Jeff?
I think the random appearances and doing things for the sake of doing them, is a good way to turn this potential game into a horrible attempt at making a horror game out of Creepy Pasta characters. If Jeff the Killer is the focus, why aren't we focusing on him? Why introduce other Creepy Pasta characters when this game is suppose to be about Jeff?
It would be like making a movie about He-Man and we never got to see He-Man, because we are too focused on the other characters. When the main attraction is He-Man. The player is promised Jeff the Killer and in my experience of playing this game, he only appears once, with a twin. Smile Dog appears more than Jeff the Killer and that thing appears twice. Slenderman has a possibility of appearing three times (the first time being an unfair death).
Mistakes, but I do question effort.
This game is in development, so mistakes are to be seen, but there's a lot of mistakes. A common one is when the player can walk on walls or over obstacles because of something that overlaps the tile. Like blood on the walls or objects. A simple solution would be making an event, set to the same level as the characters, activated by the action button without anything in the event. This creates an invisible wall. So you can place this on the table in the character's room where that letter is. Wherever there's blood on the wall that's low enough for the player to touch (the elevator is a good place to start.). When in the vents of the elevator, the character kind of faces in odd directions after a transfer event. Perhaps looking over that again will help see what needs to be corrected.
However some mistakes, I can't really find forgivable. Like for instance: After I get the lantern, I try to leave the room. But I cannot leave because I do not have the lantern, but I have the lantern. Only way to leave the room is to go directly to the right from the door and press enter. Is the room door locked unless a lantern exists in inventory? If so, putting it into the player's inventory should clear that up, besides putting an event that bypasses the door.
In the bloody elevator, if I go exactly where the buttons are for the elevator, I can return to the second floor of the hotel. The event is still there. It's like the level was just copied and pasted, has blood splattering the walls and it was called done. To be honest, I think a lot of placing things for the sake of placing them was done. Makes me wonder if actual effort was put into the game if things are just literally tossed in just because. In this game is going to seriously be unique and be better than any other horror RPG maker game out there, It's going to need more time, effort, playtesting and taking a step back to look at the project as a whole and think: "Would this work?" I am not saying 'give up'. Never give up on your projects. What I am saying is that there needs to be more work to be done.
Another mistake I like to point out is that some events can be replayed. Especially if the player can go down to the second floor, by using the invisible elevator controls and goes back up and returns to their bathroom.
The Objective.
What is it that the player is doing? Are we here to uncover Jeff the Killer's secrets or are we randomly wandering in an ever-changing spacious hotel that gives us random notes that we have to collect? Is there anything the player can do that will make this game unique? So far all I see is characters that I do not care if they die, jump scares, unfair death and a broken promise.
There's more work that needs to be done, but with enough time and effort it can all be fixed. There needs to be more of a focus on the characters and Jeff the Killer. Give the player a reason to care about not dying, besides the fact that we will have to go back and do it over again. Have more of a reasonable reason why are things happening besides random teleportations and things that JUST happen without explanation, because that's just like every other horror game. If this game is to be unique and bring out new experiences besides jumpscares and pure random, it's going to have to not do those things. It won't make the game any better if sexual themes are tossed in there. Nudity, porn, all of that kind of stuff, does not equal a good game. Out of all bookshelves, the big one in C7 is the only one with porn in it, but why?
It would be unfair to rate this game as it is in development, but if none of these things are changed, I'll rate it a 2 for the same reasons.
This game is a sequel to the horrifying game, I S O L A T I O N.
Developer(s): Bluedrift Interactive & Smallbyte Games Publisher: DX Entertainment, Inc.
*About The*** Game**
This game is a sequel to the horrifying game, I S O L A T I O N. Uncover and find the truth about Jeff the Killer, his will, his soul, his purpose, his obsession. Why? Why? This game contains a more than dozens and dozens of jumpscares, including horror elements, and dialouge.
*Please Make*** Note**
O B S E S S I O N's rating is Teen Content. After playing several hours, bug fixing the game, we've noticed a few things we would want to change such as changing some few dialouge and removing some parts of the game to keep the game flowing as much as possible. By that, we have changed the rating to Teen Content.
*Digital and Boxed Game*** Release**
O B S E S S I O N's digital release on GameJolt, IndieDB, RMN, and DXMerch is expected to be late July or early August, we hope to release the game somewhere between July 25th ~ August 5th. We also hope to bring a free boxed copy for O B S E S S I O N which includes a CD game, with digital soundtrack and a color-filled concept art book. Available only with DXMerch or Paypal Purchase.
*Expected Available*** Platforms**
We will obviously bring a Windows version of the game somewhere between August 20th, with the help of rpgosx, we plan to bring O B S E S S I O N's Mac and Linux version in the future. We hope to port the game to other platforms with the help of rpgosx.
**We recommend you play the first game! **http://gamejolt.com/games/other/i-s-o-l-a-t-i-o-n/29143/
Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language