Comments (9)
haha man!!!!! it's so . . . diferent, haha I can't think in another word to describe it
Excellent game :D
this is surreal and very fucking weird.
Brilliant, oh my god this is a masterpiece of disturbing art. Even the way you left it open to interpretations was legitimately interesting. You should definitely stick with this style!
Absolutely loved the game, though I think I missed something at the end. But either way, I loved it. I'd like to share with you my Let's Play of your game. Be sure to check it out!
Also, in the video the game audio is a bit out of sync. That was a problem with my recorded, not with your game. Your game worked perfectly!
O Trivial Lobotomy
O Trivial Lobotomy is... something a bit different. While extremely short (around 5 minutes) and not nessacarily a brand new concept, it is a game I think fans of strange indie games would enjoy. Made solely when I was extremely tired, it is a strange game with no cohesive story, strange characters and simple yet challenging gameplay.
While the things the characters say may mean something to you, it was made with no set story or cohesiveness (that's a word, right?) in mind. Like I said, I made it when tired and I created whatever came to mind first, whether or not it made any sense.
I hope you enjoy this peculiar game as much as I enjoyed making it!
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Reference