Comments (73)
Thanks a Quadrillion for making this game for me, Its really amazing. That inspired me to make my own game! also, Beaten the game from yesterday to today! It really helps me a lot! -Kai Hall from KaiHallGames.
Yay! A object show game! My favorite character in BFDI is.... Firey! Soap in II.
How did you make the game?
I finish all on the game! Thank you for I play with it.
Object Peeps Full Series
Chapters 1 - 4 of Object Peeps. Your save files automatically transfer over.
Are you part of the Object Show Community? Have you ever wanted to join an Object Show, and/or competed in camps, but wanted to really fell like you where a true contestant, competing for some prize? Well, now you can! Multiple routes, joining alliances, going alone, betraying those who trust you, create a circle of friends, and more in this game! Oh yeah! If you can, record yourself playing this game and share your playthrough on Youtube! Also there is spoilers in the comments, so play it first, then discuss!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence