Comments (5)
This game is awesome! I actually died so much! It puts up a good challenge,but i came up with a stradegey and beat it! Im rating the game perfecto!
This game is suprisingly good
is this for zombiewarsmt???
One Night With Red Cube is a spinoff of Five Nights At Freddy's (animdude) and Adventures Of A Red Cube (ZombieWarsSMT). It's a simple, yet fun game. No challenge, but can be frustrating to try to get all the way through. Good luck!
This game started as a joke, so I built upon a joke file. Any errors on this game would be gladly appreciated! Any Let's Plays will be added.
A Door
A Red Cube
A Desk
A Power System
And some other basic things, like a fan and a plush Red Cube on your desk. I dunno, I'm being a bit specific. Heh.