
Comments (1)

What do you think?

honestly I thought it was gonna be Nero from devil may cry 4

This is a new game project me and some other people have started. The game hasn't started development yet so it might take a while to plan things out before we start game development. We may still need more people to help with the project so if you know how to make concept art, 3D models or or know how to use Clickteam Fusion, please let me know if you're interested in helping.



Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Is Anyone Taking Commissions For 3D Animatronic Models?

I need your help

Now that I official own Clickteam Fusion...

I bought Clickteam Fusion on Steam before the sale ended. Now Iā€™m gonna look up tutorials so I can start working on the game. First we really need a 3D modeler though.

We may need help!

Setting this project up is taking longer than I hoped so if anyone is willing to help, Iā€™d appreciate it.