Comments (4)
This game has truly changed me. I have no words to express how much this affected my life, after playing this a few years ago I found a girl and now we are happily married and have 3 kids. This game has changed me so it will change you.
One Night at Ollie's (Legacy)
Reccomended Age: 10+
Play with headphones for best experience.
This game has many loud noises and jumpscares, play at your own risk.
Ollie's Family Diner is now hiring a new night guard. For more details, visit olliesfamilydiner.com.
To register, call 1-800-OLLIE.
--Thank you BisketDog for the YouTube tutorials!--
Downloading Thing You Gotta Know:
In your computers folder, the games software name is different.
(Name for Windows 32 and Windows 64: electron.exe)
(Name for Macbook and Macbook 64: electron.app)
(Name for Linux 32 and Linux 64: version)