
Comments (1,194)

What do you think?

A message for the dev and the players, as well as a few suggestions on improvements.

Right, I don't want to rag on OpenSpades because it really is a great game with friends and can create some really memorable experiences - most good. I say "most" becasue there are always bad experiences, for example a particularly bad greifer that nobody will kick. But what I'm complaining about is nothing like that.

I've been playing this game quite regularly for a few years which means I've learned how to deal with recoil and how to aim effectively meaning that I'm quite the beast at long range in a good position - not invincible, just in a good position. I don't want to sound vain, but I'm probably better than the average player in terms of sniping. Ufortunately this means that a lot of the time I'll be playing and I'll get a few kills in succession and then one player will call me a "hacker". Most of the time it leads nowhere and I ignore it, but other times a votekick will get started and I might get kicked or banned from the server beause I was "hacking".

I have NEVER used a hacked client, I have no intention of doing so and I massively condemn it.I think this happens because the playerbase is just really toxic and calls out a hacker with no proof and more because they got killed in a way that they thought was unfair due to lag or the fact that I hid away after firing to conceal my position.

It sucks when somebody kills you a lot, I know how it feels when I started and I have in the past abused the voteckick system to get players banned, and that is the problem: the voteckick system is fine but it is easily abuseable and anyone can get anyone else banned for no reason. A lot of the time when somebody sees the word "hacker" in the votekick title they just /y without thinking because it says he/she is hacking.

I really think more could be done as a community to put a stop to this, I have a few ideas: Maybe have a disclaimer on the startup screen saying it is tough to get started and you will likely be killed a lot before you start to get the hang of it. Actively tell players not to just mindlessly /y when someone is being votekicked, see who is votekicking them, check the timestamps for their kills and see how many kills they are getting and if you think that they are being unfairly called out because they just killed a salty player then defend the player being votekicked. Make it mandatory that server hosts can only apply the votekick command to admins and mods who will in most cases have a better insight. Improve the anticheat system so that it is just better. Get the hacked clients removed from google search so that it isn't one of the first things people see and it is harder to get them, the majority of people use predictive search and if you type in "openspades" on google then "openspades hacks" appears second in the list of predictive searches.

Honestly it is a great game ruined by salty players, most of the time when a player is being votekicked for being a "hacker", they are not a hacker. There are legit hackers in openspades and I think that not many people have ever seen what a legit hacker can do, an aimbot isn't a few of kills in a row, it is literally the entire kill feed taken up by one guy, all headshots, no misses and a few duplicate kills and all one weapon - usually rifle.

Great game, lots of fun, votekick system is abused, anticheat doesn't work, most "hackers" are not hackers, flag down sites that advertise openspades hacks, try make the community much frendlier, not the devs fault, is still good game, stay safe and think before you votekick.

Singleplayer mode for people with poor Internet please! Also a Zombies Mode would be cool

PLEASE do not make it go down the path the steam version did, that means no classes special abilites etc etc, keep it simple, if people want it like with more guns and stuff, then they should turn to mods

Before I go ahead and tell some improvements lots of players would like, I really love this game and feel like it is underrated.

If possible add the following:

-Single player mode for people playing with no internet.

-Map editor/maker.

-Increase reach limit for building.

-More guns wouldn't hurt! Especially a Sniper.

-Custom skins that players can make in-game.

-Custom weapon skins.(Jut to change the color and add patterns)

-Better UI.(I don't hate it, but it could be better)

-More than just cubes...(By that I mean more KINDS of blocks)

-And last but not least, I noticed how when you sprint you can't go up stairs unless you walk and maybe even just increase jump height or distance.

I know that all that can be a lot but 1 at a time would help out a lot!

Thanks for this Game!

Amazing game!, i hope the creator updates it and put it on steam greenlight! this is a masterpiece!!.



Version: 0.1.3about 6 years ago


OpenSpades is a clone of Voxlap Ace of Spades 0.75, which is a free multiplayer game created by Ben Aksoy. It's a simple first person shooter that brings destruction, construction and fist person shooters in general to a whole new level.

This game is a work in progress so feel free to report any bugs on the games website. Since it is a WIP we recomend that you follow the game for the latest updates!

Want to mod your OpenSpades? There is a ton of stuff here all about modding OpenSpades:

Not working? OpenSpades is a pretty graphically intensive game and requires a decent computer. If you get an error please try the following:

  • Lower your settings! If you have everything on high the game may crash or be very laggy. To open the graphics setup mash the spacebar while opening the game.

  • Set the backend to software

  • If worst comes to worst and none of this works just come and complain to me and I'm sure I can help :)

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

OpenSpades 0.1.2


GameJolt Server


Happy Easter!


We are pushing out the 0.0.12 and 0.0.12b updates! The reason the Windows client is on 0.0.12b is because it had a graphical issue that the Mac client didn’t have. We hope you enjoy the new update!