Comments (8)
I am sorry that I have to say the following sentence but...
I have no friends but I want to play so add singleplayer
hey i cant dowload it (i mean i can but) gran wont let me dowload things on her pc i gotta wait till im on my real pc
Awesome...made a video about it.Will be on Youtube soon
Opposite Soccer 2014
Opposite Soccer 2014 is a local 2-player soccer game that makes use of the default chaotic video game physics. Control your character and pray that the ball goes where you want it to go. Perfect for playing with your friends and laughing about the stupidity of the game.
This is the third game in my "One Game a Week" project that got delayed because my graphics card broke :( If you find any bugs on this let me know, my computer wasn't cooperating.
Be sure to follow me on twitter @OPC_Eadow to know when more games come out. twitter.com/OPC_Eadow
And for the Youtube guys, I want videos of this, lots of videos of this.