
Comments (5)

What do you think?

It is quite challenging, but that makes the reward all the more when you make the landing!

Hello diegzumillo. Well, about trajectories, I imagine that it wouldn't be that difficult to draw an ellipse... We just need to figure out the correct formula !

Hello ! Thank you for that game. I hope that you will keep developping it !
A few things that could be fun additions :

  • a prevision of the trajectory (it would assume that we don't thrust)

  • Maybe the possibility to set the position to a given angle with movement vector (so if you don't touch the keys the craft would keep facing toward it is going. Using the rotation key would change that angle. For the example it could be set for the ship always facing backward).



Version: 2.5.0over 12 years ago


This is not a finished game. It's in pre-alpha stage, meaning not all the planned functionalities are implemented, not all the levels planned are present etc. But it is playable and, hopefully, even enjoyable. Taking these in consideration, I would love to hear any criticism and suggestion :)

Orbitroll can best be described as a generalization of the classic Lunar Lander game. You control a small ship, under the influence of nearby planets' gravity and with limited fuel, and must complete missions. Each mission has a series of objectives that can vary from simple "land over there" to more complex missions, like deploying satellites into orbit and making interplanetart transfering maneuvers.

By making the game 2d (some would call it 2.5d) this should be the most casual and friendly orbit dynamics related game. Everything applies, the way to obtain orbit, circularize it, execute Hohmann transfers etc works like expected, except you don't have to worry about orbital planes.


Thrust with w or up arrow. Rotate with a and d, notice that these commands apply torque to the ship so if you want to stop rotating you need to apply a torque in the other direction. There will be occasions where space bar is needed, but make sure to read the objectives window of every mission for a more thorough explanation.

I started this project out of boredom. I thought to myself "I will make a game this weekend" and that's what came out. The following week I worked on getting some models and textures. Come to think of it, both my projects uploaded in gamejolt so far are weekend projects, what's up with that?


Meet Orbitroll