
Comments (26)

What do you think?

i like dis oneXD

hows the project going

weon porque esta dross ahi xD?

were same get 29 followers of your game and my game called undertale purpletale

I'm still working on the storyboard, but I'm gonna be making an unofficial Undertale prequel, where you play as Chara and the other fallen humans in order. Don't play if you haven't finished Undertale. I have Frisk & Chara sprites, since they were already made by the devteam on Undertale, and each sprite I finish making for the fallen humans will appear on the header and thumbnail. I have quite a few sprites done already, seven. Here's the link to the community: My YT channel is here btw. #rpg #survival #puzzle #fangame #retro #adventure #action #other #Undertale #AU #Deltarune #Laserbeany #Origintale

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

1/2origintale is still being delayed, but I just wanted you all to know that even though I'm working on SDA, this project isn't over, and looking back, I should improve the sprites. If you want, follow my other project, SDA. It's much more ambitious, but

guys sda is struggling pls check it out lol

Sorry, Origintale has been delayed due to a larger project I'm working on, Super Derp Adventures. As of now, work on this project will slow down, but it's not over! I still plan to release a full game in the future! Link to SDA:

Today I realized, I AM A CHILD AND HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO CODE. So, sadly, the prototype, demo, and full game have been delayed, but don't despair! There will still be updates like concept arts and sneak peeks.

Sorry, things have been hectic with corona, but im back and readdy to work nonstop on origintale and sda.