Comments (7)
Dear developer, your game mixes platform and strategy, and I loved it, I liked the style and the puzzles, I'm Brazilian and thank you for spending 10 minutes of my day playing this amazing game!
The only thing I found uncomfortable was the fact that there was no menu during the game because you can't pause.
(my English is bad, sorry)
its soo cool thx for making this game
good game, could have control support
You are seriously talented. I love your games
Out Twogether

All of a sudden you woke up inside your AI friend!
But by working twogether you can both escape...
By combining platforming with some puzzle solving!

Out Twogether is a tiny puzzle platformer made in 24 hours for united gamejam!
Can you solve your way out?
Before the coffee gets cold?!?!?

#puzzle #platformer #pixelart #retro #singleplayer #short #2d #indiegame #ai