
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Neat graphics, though I didnt really know what was going on. I included it in part 5 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Hmm... la idea es curiosa, y gráficamente mola mucho. Sin embargo, le veo algunos problemillas de jugabilidad relacionados sobre todo con el tema de usar 1 dado de 6 para el movimiento de cuatro muñecos. Tampoco se para que vale atacar exactamente... seguiré atento al juego a ver lo que le añades!

Pachisi Mayhem

Pachisi Mayhem is a tabletop-strategy game for two players (right now). Create your team of four characters and fight for catching the key-piggy, go to your foe's door and win the glory!

Game info:
The objective of the game is to catch the piggy that is in the middle of the board, and then face to the door that the other team keeps. Your team is formed by four characters from three races: The human race is the most basic one, with no special habilities or weakness, the cat race are quick (they have a +1 to their movement) but they are bad at combat, and the mutants are the strongest.


  • Z = A(Ok).

  • X = B(Cancel).

  • Arrows = D-Pad.

EDIT Jam version: This game was made in a short time for #gbjam4 #gbjam and I cannot add or polish all the thing I would want. The game is playable, but things like some animations, sound effects or even the game info menu were left behind in order to complete the game in time. So, i will upload all of them and add new features in future versions of the game.

  • Update chart

  • Features for the next update | Sound effects, winning animation, game info and options menu.

  • Future updates | Steal skill for cats, Block for mutants, random encounters and special.


Mild Cartoon Violence

Jam version!