Comments (5)
Also, if you can please add MAP EDITOR
I love it!!!!!!!! BUT THERE IS A BUG. When I choose spell like magic arrow and click on empty hex, the game crashes :(
Good Game ;).
The game has too many hidden stuff and, the keymaster's tents are missing. Plus the computer opponent never tried to get out of its own realm to confront me. Even though I passed three whole months cleaning all neutral creatures and, explored the whole map thoroughly. My hero ended up at level 11 with a whole brigade of soldiers(1,000+). Not too impressed with it, so far.
Hello everyone !
I thought I would try this Heroes inspired game and I was surprised pleasantly to see how well the game works and plays.
I would love to hear anyone opinions if they played the game for yourselves I know its a little old but its aged pretty dam well.
Thank you for reading my comment!
Palm Kingdoms 2
Ever played Heroes of MIght and Magic? Well, here goes... Enjoy!