
Pandora's Musicbox

Version: 10.0.0over 10 years ago

Pandora's Musicbox: A Greek Mythology Music Game!

Curious Priestess Eumelia opened Pandora's Musicbox, which unleashed musical chaos and turned the Gods of Olympus insane with music obsession. Exiled and turned into a harpy, she must now save the world… fighting music with music! Level 1: Poseidon's Drum'n'Bass Madness.

Instruction Manual:
Use the arrow keys to follow the line.
To collect the notes, press 1 for Triangle, 2 for x, 3 for circle, 4 for square.
(this game was originally designed for the Playstation controller, take it as a challenge! 8D)
Collect 10.000 points to win!
Attack them with the right-mouse-button. You have 3x ammo. Collect incense (golden pebbles) for ammo.
You can be hit 3 times before you die.
Collect golden apples for life.

ATTENTION: Due to a little bug, your life doesn't refill after a Game Over. So just restart the game and everything is fine again! (Sorry for the inconvenience)

Note: This was a student project in 2013. I was responsible for Game Design, Character Design, Player Character 3D Model and Player Character Animation. This is a flawed little prototype, but further development has been dropped due to time constraints. Enjoy what I fondly call "the flappy bird of music games"!

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