
Comments (1)

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@KirbyEating But if Pasqually is playing as Baldi then What's Chuck E Cheese, Helen Henny, Mr. Munch, Jasper T Jowls, and all Chuck E Cheese Characters going to play as in Baldi's Basicis Mod


You had broccoli for dinner, but you hate vegetables, so you threw them onto the floor. Your parents got really mad and grounded you for 2,012 years. You're still hungry, however, and decide to sneak to Chuck E. Cheese and steal their pizza. When you got there, you met Pasqually, the chef of the place. Every time you collect a pizza, he will give you math problems to solve.

Collect all 8 pizzas and leave before your parents find out!

This is a mod for Baldi's Basics.

#horror #survival #strategy #baldisbasics #chuckecheese #mod

