
Comments (3)

What do you think?

This is awesome! :D
Especially considering the amount of time it was made in.

I can't believe more people haven't commented or voted on it.

The bird animations are really cute, and the fact that the victory condition is to sit in your little nest is super adorable.

The puzzles are well designed and the different block mechanics are pretty interesting.
This really seems like it could have just been an actual GameBoy title.

I hope more people get a chance to play this.
I love this game.
And I'm not just saying that because it has an avian protagonist and the word "Down" in the title, like at least one other game I can think of. :3

Seriously though, keep up the awesome work! :)

I couldnt quite get this game... I included it in part 8 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)



Version: 1.0.1over 9 years ago

Peckdown (Downloadable Archive)

Version: 1.0.1over 9 years ago
If the embedded version has performance issues, or if you just wanna take the game where you won't have an internet connection (or maybe even mod it!), this may be of use. (You'll still need a browser to run it!)

Game Soundtrack

6 songs

A puzzle-platformer about pecking blocks and making them fall. Includes 24 levels, a non-linear overworld, and a level editor with space for 52 maps. Tested with Chrome 44.0, but should work with any modern browser. For #gbjam 4.


Default Bindings

Up: W
Down: S
Left: A
Right: D
A: L
B: K
Start: Enter
Select: Space


D-Pad: Move/aim peck/scroll camera (in look mode)
A: Jump/flap/speed up scrolling (in look mode)
B: Peck (charge and release)
Select: Toggle look mode
Start: Pause


D-Pad: Move cursor
A: Select
B: Back



D-Pad: Move cursor
A: Place block
B: Remove block
A + B: Place player start
Start: Pause
Select (tap): Advance block type

Holding Select

D-Pad: Adjust level boundaries
A, B: Switch block type


1.0.1 patch