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#shooter #other #multiplayer #action

Multiplayer: this game have a normal multiplayer (think somthing like cod), cop missions (think cad spec ops and entry piont) and maybe a it will have something like conqustet or something like ground

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Crass Humor

ok,so i am going to code it on unreal and someting else on boblox

uhhh sry for not being online and stuff, i am not doing so good uhhhhhhhhh oh right i am gana trying to code the game in unity,unreal engine and maybe roblox

teaser coming this month or next one

Q and A

Multiplayer: this game have a normal multiplayer (think somthing like cod), cop missions (think cod spec ops and entry point) and maybe a it will have something like conqustet or something like ground war (this is still very VERY early devlopent )