
Comments (13)

What do you think?

im gonna get the demo though

srry if it sounded mean you know i shoundnt have said anything i just looked at the screenshots

seems fun but suddenly hangs while ingame on fully updated win7 x64

should be 6.99

Really nice puzzle game. Maybe you arent in new games because you published demo August 8, 2016 ?


Pharmakon - DEMO

Version: 0.3.0almost 8 years ago


Version: 0.3.0almost 8 years ago

Welcome new agent!

Your mission to protect your faction from elementary beasts will begin soon.Thanks to you our faction is safe.
Get your drone ready!

Tactical battles between puzzle-powered drones and elementary beasts

Pharmakon is a brand-new title mixing traditional puzzle and combat strategy in a sci-fi world ruled by technological exploitation of nature's elements.

The game challenges players to counter elementary beasts infesting their faction's territory.
To achieve their goal, players power up a drone with element puzzle parts to set up tactical attacks against dangerous packs of beasts.
Through battles, victory will entail meetings and discoveries revealing the entire situation behind the players' mission.

Steam Greenlight running!

If you would like to see Pharmakon available on Steam, you can help by rating it up clicking this link leading you to its Greenlight page!

To be honest, it is really difficult to bring visitors on the page so any help to make it more visible could be great!

Call to action!


  • Strategy and puzzle that work together harmoniously to coordinate battle moves give you a fresh approache to the tactical experience.

  • Puzzle persistent equipment and turn-based gameplay motivate you to evaluate, plan, think, strategize and manage resources on a long-term scale instead of sporadically thinking about your next steps.

  • Optimization will bring tough and rigorous decisions to handle any problem you will encounter, making any choice very valuable.

  • New procedurally generated threats every game will give you an ever-changing challenge.

  • You will gather battle data to configure special abilities and improve your control of the battle with a new puzzle system made of lasers.

  • With every victory, you will discover hidden aspects and details of the unexpected situation behind your mission.

  • A battle lasts from 2 to 10 minutes. That allows you to play in a short way, battles time to time or in an insatiable-long-term way, battle after battle after battle.

  • Great 80's dark music by Janek Roeben (U-GameZ)

Visit our website to view what has been done thus far!

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Pharmakon Coming On Steam!

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Pharmakon got featured!

Apparently, dear Gamejolt users like Pharmakon because the game got featured!

You wanna help? Come vote on the greenlight page :